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Daily Bread - Get The Sleep You Need And Deserve
Get The Sleep You Need And Deserve

Get The Sleep You Need And Deserve

by Zara Lisbon
via Daily Burst

Getting quality sleep is invaluable to our daily health. Missing sleep can result in depression and anxiety, as well as cravings for high carbohydrates and sugar foods. Moreover, getting behind the wheel after a sleepless night can be just as dangerous as driving under the influence.

But have no fear, here are 4 tried and true techniques to help you get the deep sleep you need and deserve:

  1. Take a warm bath or shower
    Studies have shown that after a shower, our bodies drop in temperature. The decrease in temperature slows your heart rate and your metabolic system, which can cause the nice, sleepy feeling you need to help doze off.
  2. Wait until you’re actually tired before getting into bed
    If a warm bath or shower doesn’t make you sleepy, don’t get into bed yet. Do some gentle stretching, read a book, or even watch a calming movie (but nothing dramatic). When you feel your eyes getting heavy, it’s time to get into bed. You may think getting to bed early will encourage long hours of sleep, but if you get into bed before you’re ready, it will create restlessness and do more harm than good.
  3. Keep a notebook by your bed, and take notes
    When you’re lying awake and your mind filled with racing thoughts keeping you from sleep, sit up and open your notebook. Write out all the thoughts that are troubling or exciting you. Getting your thoughts and emotions, both good and bad, onto paper helps get them out of your mind. Once you’ve done this, your mind will be a peaceful place, much more ready and able to welcome sleep.  
  4. Get out of bed
    If you’ve tried to fall asleep and simply can’t, instead of continuing to force it, get up and move around. If you stay in bed, you’ll only become more and more frustrated, and the more frustrated you are, the further you get from being able to sleep. Don’t try to force it, instead, try taking your computer out into the living room and looking up “Yoga For Bedtime” videos on YouTube. Don’t worry, these bedtime yoga routines aren’t at all strenuous, they’re designed to calm your mind and body and prepare you for a deep night’s sleep. And they are yoga routines anybody can do. 

We all have nights where sleep seems impossible, but with these techniques, there’s no need for you to suffer long-term. If nothing works for you, the best thing you can do is to go easy on yourself. Remember that you’re a human and not a machine, so sometimes getting the “perfect” amount of sleep or eating the “perfect” diet or drinking the “perfect” amount of water every day just isn’t possible. What matters is that, when it comes to self-care, we try our best. 

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